This exercise is from the Core Skills section on Pinch Harmonics.
In the last exercise we mentioned that you should experiment with finding different pinch harmonics for the same note. In this exercise we do just that.
Here we hold the B note - 2nd fret on the A string. Now, find 4 different pinch harmonic locations along the string for that note with your picking hand. Watch the introduction video which shows how to locate sweet spots if you are unsure.
As a rough guide - the 1st pinch harmonic is over the middle pickup and the last one is just over the 24th fretwire. However guitars vary a lot in construction and numbers of frets, so you will need to guesstimate somewhat.
Once you have located the 4 harmonics individually for this note, work on picking them as shown in the ActionTab. This is a little tricky at first because it is quite easy to miss each sweet spot, but once you can do it and practice it enough, your hand will be able to find them more naturally.
The good thing about this exercise is that once you have the B note fretted you can leave it there and concentrate entirely on what your picking hand is doing.
This is yet another cool use of pinch harmonics. Very cool to throw into the middle of solos and add a little something extra!
Just for fun, do a squeel bend on any note (like the last exercise), and as you release the bend, hit it with 4 different pinch harmonics.