This exercise is from the Core Skills section on developing Speed Techniques. As usual, check out the normal speed audio first.
The previous Quickie exercises have been important, because we've been focusing on ingraining the techniques involved for an important solo trick (called a Run). Which we shall look at here.
By now you should really know how to do the legato lick using hammers / pull offs and picking between just the 2 highest strings. That's all great, but it is a bit boring to just stay playing licks in one position. To really start advancing you need to learn to play up and down the fretboard, without gaps as you shift position. So, we will apply exactly the same techniques, but learn to shift up through the fretboard to get a nice ascending 'run'. This is the kind of stuff used in proper lead solos all the time. Runs sound cool, and are a great way to move from one fretboard position to another, seamlessly.
We're using notes from the D major scale here, and applying the same basic lick as before...but this time we shift up through different note sequences via a slide. The very first note played is D, and the very last note played is D (an octave higher). All the notes used inbetween are consistent with the D major scale.
Each lick is played twice, except for the last lick which is repeated more - just for effect. Slide up the last note to play the next lick just as shown here. Don't hang about on the slide. As soon as you pick the note you should already be beginning the slide up to the next note. Notice that each slide effectively takes up the same amount of time as 2 of the other notes. That is because you slide up (1 note) and hold the target note a little (1 note). As you hold the target note, get that 1st finger in place for the next note on the E string. It's all about economy of movement, and micro-management at these speeds!
There are 4 basic positions / licks we shift through:
Lick 1 - Lick 2 - Lick 3 - Lick 4
Although you will be familiar now with the first part of the lick, it will take time to learn to shift up quickly and smoothly. Just focus on getting the first two positions right and fast. Then start working on adding the third, and so on. This is the best way to practice this type of lick.
If you are really struggling with some of the different finger positions, then scrap the D major scale stuff...just play the same first lick, but slide it up 2 frets and play it again, repeat. This will train your fingers to get used to the position shifting. But once you can do that, go back to trying out the licks here. You can't keep playing the same lick forever, and using different note sequences will come with practice!